Shadow fight 3 june
Shadow fight 3 june

The prince/ss then fights the beast and they succeed, the beast reverts back into the Emperor, just like what Itu has said. This is all happened because the Sphere started talking, it has awakened and caused all the shadow energy to go mad. The Herald then responds by warning them that this shadow beast is the Emperor. Itu asks them to keep calm and defeat the beast, causing Phang to yells at him and accuses him of having done something to the Emperor. Instead, there are only a Herald named Itu and a ferocious shadow beast there. The prince/ss and Phang return to the Palace, only to find the Emperor nowhere insight. He also comments that the cultist girl looks familiar to him. Phang and Deng Rao are irritated by this, but Phang quickly regains his calm and suggests that they return to the Palace. Phang introduces the prince/ss to the cultist, in hope of making her speak, only for her to sarcastically comment that she does not care and vanishes. The cultist outrightly shoos them away, as she is in a hurry.

shadow fight 3 june

Phang then decides to try a nonviolent approach to make her speak, and he asks her some questions. Phang has a guess that this is another Heralds' doing, while Deng Rao has captured a cultist girl. They find the people in the capital bazaar to be acting weird, as if they were sleepwalking. But, he considers people who outrightly worship shadow energy as stupid. Having shadow abilities is alright, even though many Legionaries hate it. When they are searching for witnesses around the Palace, Phang says to the prince/ss how disgusted he is at Heralds. Deng Rao, who is just done as well, tells them both that some Heralds escaped, but most are dead. These cultists appeared out of nowhere only recently, about one year ago. Phang informs the prince/ss that Heralds love doing that after they are defeated. After the prince/ss beat a Herald, he suddenly vanishes from their sights. Deng Rao, the captain of the guard, is currently handling the situation, but he may need helps. The Palace is under attacks of cultists known as Heralds, who worship shadow energy. Phang reveals that this is an urgent matter, which he cannot just say out loud in front of the Legion's Ambassador. Phang, the captain of the coast guard, then joins the conversation and asks for the prince/ss to come with him for a minute. The Emperor reveals that they had a major breakthrough last month and the Sphere will be destroyed, hopefully this year. The Ambassador then informs the Emperor that the Legion Queen wants to know about their progress on the Sphere. The sergeant commends on the prince/ss' skill, calling it an epic fight and wishes for the Alliance to last forever. They manage to defeat the opponent in the finale, a Sarge. The Legion's Ambassador who is present also wishes the best of luck for the prince/ss. The Emperor tells the prince/ss to stop daydreaming and stay focused as this is the finale of the Alliance tournament, a very important event for the Alliance between Dynasty and Legion. After he tells the prince/ss that their father is waiting for them, the Stranger bids them farewell, saying that he know they will meet again.

shadow fight 3 june

The Stranger explains how this world rejects them like a foreign object and informs them about Stability. Suddenly, a Stranger speaks to the prince/ss, who then tests the prince/ss' fighting capability. The woman dares the prince/ss to walk in June's shoes and get her power, as it is the only way to prevent both the end of the world and the prince/ss own end. Her world will make them suffer they will lie, cheat, and steal just to survive. A woman in shadow form accuses the prince/ss to have murdered June and took her place. But, this particular nightmare is the worst. Nightmares haunted the Dynasty prince/ss mercilessly. June's Plane consists of 45 main quests, of which boss fight occurs at every 5th quests.īloodletter's Blade, Common Staff, and Sai

Shadow fight 3 june